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The Mad Clientist

The Mad Clientist

The Goblins Ruining Law Firms’ Halloween

A stealth bomber jaggedly progresses along an undetectable path through the night sky. Ultra-sophisticated infrared and other technology map its course through the darkness. An intricate combination of materials, ultra-smooth surfaces and technology shield the remarkable machine from radar detection. Inherently unstable, early stealth aircraft seemed to wobble as they…
Michael Rynowecer
October 26, 2016
The Mad Clientist

6 Secrets to Becoming an All-Star

You may think you have what it takes to be a Client Service All-Star, but clients—the only true judge of client service excellence—are the gatekeepers to this exclusive list. Each year, BTI interviews more than 300 corporate counsel to identify the individual attorneys best at delivering superior client service. Clients…
Michael Rynowecer
February 12, 2014